Monday, October 7, 2013

Closet Refresh!

Ha! This picture is of me and my cousin and was taken yesterday from my other cousins twins' 1st birthday party! Did that make sense? I am not quite awake yet so I'm not positive on that :) Anywho I can never get enough photo booth fun!

One of my weekly wishes has already come true for this week! HOLLAAA!!! I have a 3 day work week!! I took off work Thursday and Friday and plan to have a little staycation at home. Life has been so fast recently that I just want to take a few days to slow it down a little and smell the roses! There are some things I hope to get done around my house too. Things that I never get to because I just get the bare minimum cleaning done on my short short weekends!

1- I want to clean up my back patio. For the size of my condo I have a fairly big patio area and right now the plants are all overgrown and it's a mess back there. My ultimate goal is to get some herbs & veggies planted back there one day. Maybe by Spring I will have it all cleaned up and ready to plant! Spring is when you do that sort of thing right? I guess I should do some investigating on that process too before then ;)

2- Clean out my closets & drawers. This is something that makes me giddy! I am pretty much the opposite of a hoarder.. I love love love to get rid of the old and bring in the new! I love organizing and simplifying. Since my body is rapidly changing with my new way of eating in place (see story Part 1 and Part 2) I have a ton of clothes that don't fit me anymore.. in a good way!! Every morning when I go to get ready for work I try on at least 2 things that don't fit me anymore that need to be given away.. Then I always end up choosing one of the 5 outfits I have that still actually fit me (you know - one for each day of the week). Don't get me wrong this is an awesome problem to have! Which is one reason I am so excited to refresh my closet. I have worked hard for this moment and I can't wait to dive in! Which leads me to my next goal for this week...

3- Shopping! I don't have much money to spend on clothes right now but since I desperately need things that fit me I want  to stock up on some basics. I have been a pinning fool lately pinning clothes that I want in my closet.. Here are a few of my inspiration pictures!!

Need these pants!

Basics Rule!

I'm on a mission to find an awesome flannel for the winter!

Anything cozy and I am IN!

Don't know if I can pull this one off but I love it!

So basically I have some really awesome wishes to get to this week. This should get me through the grueling days of work ahead of me. What are your weekly wishes this week? Do link up and share!

The Nectar Collective


  1. Good luck with your wishes! Staycations are awesome. It's the perfect opportunity to get refreshed and refocused.
    I am also on a mission to lose weight and have lost some so far. I still have a ways to go (doing Paleo) but I understand your dilemma. I am almost at that point myself.
    Good luck with your eating plan, it's amazing to see your body transforming.

    1. Oh great job on the weight loss!! Honestly every pound is a miracle in my book LOL! I will have to post more about the "pre-paleo" portion of my journey!! Thanks for stopping by! :)

  2. What great goals! Sounds like you have a nice week ahead of you.

    1. Thank you! I hope you have an awesome week too!!! :)

  3. 3 day work week?! Sounds good to me.
    You make cleaning sound so fun haha. Great goals! And shopping is always fun even if it's window-shopping :D Hope you find some cute pieces to add to your wardrobe.

    1. I hope I find some cute clothes too!! I will have to share them if I do.. Hope you have a great week ahead too!! :)

  4. I love cleaning out my closet, too! I just did a major clean out when I was packing up and deciding what to bring with me on the boat. Now it's going to be interesting to see if I can really work with the few clothes I did bring with me! My favorite flannel did make the cut though, so at least there's that. :)

  5. Wow I can not even believe you LIVE on a boat now!! I need to stay tuned because you are bound to have some adventures!!
