Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"There is no joy in soy" - My Paleo Journey Part 2

Happy Wednesday! Today I will be finishing my story on my journey to a Paleo life style. In case you missed the first part of this post read HERE to catch up!

So where was I... Oh yes I had just finished my 21 day elimination process and was feeling great. I lost my constant state of brain fog, my skin was glowing, my cravings went away, and I was losing weight........
TWENTY pounds to be exact! I mean I don't know about you but that number was huge for me! Especially in a month! I would have been happy to have lost that the whole year prior. (That year that I was working so hard and doing what I thought were all the right things and lost nothing). So I knew I must be on to something that was working for my body.

Once the 21 days was over I started adding some of the foods back in one by one to see how I felt. The foods that she suggests never come back into your diet are gluten, peanuts,and artificial sweeteners, so I wouldn't be testing those back in. The two foods I thought I'd have the least problem with were corn and soy. I mean they are plants right?? I should have known better after reading her book however; especially the chapter called "There is no joy in soy".  First I tried soy. I got a soy latte from Starbucks since I hadn't had a dairy filled coffee drink in almost a month! I don't really like the taste of soy milk but that was besides the point... More importantly I drank about half of it and immediately got a headache... that lasted 2 days! I also felt fatigued like I had been up all night long (when I hadn't). So right away I knew soy was out for me. I had been feeling so good that anything that made me feel less than perfect was not worth the trouble.

After this reaction I started to question if I wanted to bring ANY of these items back. I didn't miss most of them anyways. I knew I really wanted eggs back in my life though. They make breakfast so easy and are filling and quick. So I went ahead and had an egg and luckily I had no negative reaction to it. HALLELUJAH! Seriously - I was over joyed. I had already taken out a lot of foods I was comfortable with and I didn't need anymore no-no items. After this I decided I was done testing. I didn't want to knowingly bring on headaches, an upset stomach, lethargy, etc etc etc. My new plan was to wait until those foods made their way into something I was eating and see how I reacted. I ended up having some corn on the cob a few weeks later and had the same reaction as the soy. So corn was also out. I love corn you guys. It was a sad day. Milk crept into some scrambled eggs at a restaurant once without me knowing. A few hours later I started feeling that same sick feeling and knew that something was in there that I hadn't known about. I looked online and they put milk in their scrambled eggs. Lesson learned.. and I am still learning lessons daily. Thats why I like to call it a journey. My meal plans evolve and change. I want to keep getting better and better at life and more and more healthy.

In the months since the 21 day elimination diet my eating has slowly transitioned into more of a "Paleo" mold. The similarities between the Virgin Diet and the typical Paleo diet are many and it was the natural next step in my journey. I started listening to podcasts while at work. They taught me the ins and outs of the Paleo diet. They taught me that every persons definition of Paleo is not the same. I started buying books and reading more and more Paleo blogs. I do not practice what most would call "Perfect Paleo". I am not a diet perfectionist. I have things that I will never eat again like gluten, soy, corn, peanuts, or artificial sweeteners. However, I eat brown rice (not typically considered Paleo), sometimes I throw black beans in to a rice bowl,  and occasionally treat myself to gluten free pancakes. It is all about a balance for me.

I have continued to drop pant sizes and have learned to love this new way of life for me. The best part of this whole journey so far is the freedom I feel from now being controlled by food. Food no longer dictates my mood or how awake I feel. It is there to nourish me and sustain me. I love food and have learned so many new recipes that I would have never have been exposed to had I not cleaned up my diet. I dont count calories or stress about eating too much. Its all a very natural process now. My body is properly nourished so I no longer crave snacks all day or crash after a big meal. I have never in my life had will power when it came to food, but now its not even a battle in my mind about "to eat or not to eat" because I know what makes me feel good and what doesn't.. and I always choose feeling good now! My mind body and soul have been cleansed of the toxins in our modern day processed foods and I am so proud of how far I have come in just 6 short months!

Next week I want to get into the details about what I eat, how I eat out at restaurants and some other nitty gritty details about getting back to the basics with my food choices! I am always open for questions so please feel free leave a comment or a message if there is anything you would like to know more about!


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I'm Back!

Helloooo!!! Sorry for the lack of posts lately! I was under the weather for a few days and needed another few days to get back on track and catch up! I am getting there though!

I have a ton of things to do this week at work and a full running schedule planned (minimum 20 miles ((YIKES)) by Sunday! But I hope to fit in a few fun blog posts this week so stay tuned! Tomorrow I plan on continuing my story of my journey to Paleo eating. If you missed the first half you can catch up here: Yes I Am One Of THEM! Be sure to stop by tomorrow to hear the rest!

Until then I think you should check out this amazing blog! "Lark & Bloom" I love her writing and her topics never fail to hit me straight in the heart!!! She has a great series going on right now called The Dirty Gospel. Her blog is one that inspires me and makes me want to write more in depth posts that push myself farther than my comfort zone goes! Wow that was a lot of exclamation marks!!! :)

I am going to go dream about fall and cooler weather right now. I hope you have a fantastic day!!!


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Yes.... I am one of THEM....

I don't know how quite to say this. I feel like we are just getting to know each other and I am afraid that you will judge me once you know the truth. So promise me that you will hear me out before you come to any conclusions about me. I guess I can't stall any longer... so here it goes.... I don't eat gluten. OOOHHH AHHHHHH SHOCK AWEEEEEE GASP!! Feel free to take a moment to process this...

Ok hopefully you are back now! Let me explain. I actually don't eat gluten, dairy, soy, corn, MSG, or anything processed. I know I know... I sound all sorts of crazy right now. Like most people I encounter there are probably many questions swirling around in your brain right now about how this is possible.. Questions like "WHY???????" or "What DO you eat??". "How do you have such strong will power" (spoiler alert: I DON'T), "How did this start?". I will use this post to address the many questions I get daily from people on my not so weird eating habits. Most likely you aren't thinking "How can I do this too???". But I will answer that one too :)

My weight loss journey has been a long one.. But I will fast forward a little for now to April of this year. I have always been a milkoholic.. Actually a dairyoholic. Ice cream - Love it! Milk - Love it! Cheese - Love it! Pretty much if its dairy of any sort I love it. Early this year my stomach started giving me problems when I ate it. I kept trying to fool myself into thinking "ohhh you just ate too much this time - thats why your stomach hurts". But after a while I learned that the amount didn't matter. It was always bothering me now after eating dairy (mostly my beloved frozen yogurt).

Simultaneously I had been struggling to lose weight. For a while now. I would work out a lot. I was eating all the "right things" like whole grains, Greek yogurt, lean cusines etc. I was doing it all "right" (or so I thought) so what was the problem?!!? Well once the stomach issues started kicking in I started to search the internet for answers and ran across this book "The Virgin Diet" by JJ Virgin. It asks you to remove 7 foods from your diet for 21 days then slowly add some of them back in to see if you react. I am no Doctor but the basic science behind this is that when your body doesn't process some foods properly it causes inflammation. The 7 foods she asks you to remove are common inflammatory foods. This inflammation is what can cause headaches, eczema, holding onto excess weight, feeling sluggish, breaking out with acne and SO MANY more things. I have heard of severe things getting healed in the body from removing a food from your diet that your body reacts badly to.

 So after reading the book and the testimonials I decided to dive in to this program with full force. I would say I don't have a lot of will power on my own when it comes to eliminating foods from my diet. But I was determined to find some answers this time... So in April of this year I removed dairy, gluten, soy, corn, peanuts, sugar / artificial sweeteners, and eggs from my diet for 21 days. And YES I went the FULL 21 days with out cheating!! For a while it was a huge adjustment. Getting rid of my "healthy foods" I mentioned before and replacing them with new and different foods- soup for breakfast say what?!!? Going out to eat with friends was the most difficult part of it. Passing up my old favorites and opting for the most basic meal. The worst part is not KNOWING what they were actually putting in my food. Did they cook this in butter? I would ask the servers a million questions and be THAT annoying girl. This however does get easier with time I promise!!

After only about a week I was already feeling more alert, less fatigued and full of energy. There was a huge difference in my focus levels at work and throughout the day. It was like I was FINALLY awake! Plus I wasn't getting tired at 8pm like usual. I was waking up feeling rested and able to power through my day with out feeling like a zombie. It was an incredible change let me tell you. After 2 weeks my skin was clearing up and glowing. I was feeling less bloated all the time and I never felt so full that I felt sick after eating a meal anymore. My hair and nails were becoming stronger and were growing quickly. After finishing the 21 days I was feeling incredible. Like a new person almost. There was some serious pounds shed too. But you will have to tune into the next post to hear how much!!! I am going to continue this story in a part 2 post and talk about reintroducing / testing the foods that I removed and how that has led me to how I eat today!

For the rest of the story read here!

Have you read the Virgin Diet book??? Does anyone else have that brain fog / fatigue that I was talking about???

Until next time....


Monday, September 16, 2013

Monday Monday & The Help Program

Hello hello!!

Its Weekly Wishes day again! I love doing weekly wishes because my Mondays are sometimes rough at work and it gives me a chance to look out into the week and really get excited about things coming my way! Its perfect really :) PS I love my weekly wishes art this week! Its a picture I took last night during dinner! LOVE IT!

This weekend was jam packed with fun. The best part was going to a fundraiser for an AWESOME program. "The Help Program" in San Clemente is working with at risk children to help them keep their grades up and involve them in sports programs. There was a mother there that gave her testimony about her sons transformation through this program and it was so moving. When he first came to them he was failing all of his classes. Through the Help Program he started training in mixed martial arts (MMA) with a group called Fighters For The World that they collaborate with.  He loved this part of the program but to stay enrolled in his MMA classes he had to get his grades up... and keep them up. He started going to tutoring through the program and is now getting grades that are above average for his school! His mother was in tears and he was standing on stage super proud of himself. This is just one of many lives they have impacted. One of my wishes for this week.. or month... or whenever is to help them raise some money to bring more children into their program. They have waiting lists full of kids that want... no NEED to be a part of this dynamic group! If you are interested in donating any amount please comment or send me a message and I can get you more details! Thank you!!

Something I need to work on this week is stretching my body more and drinking more water. Sometimes I drink a ton of water but right now I have just been dropping the ball on it. I sit at work all day with an empty cup on my desk and just stare at it. It screams at me "FILL ME UP".. and I ignore it. But not this week.. Nope I am going to listen to the cries of my water bottle! I am also going to work on full body stretching in my free time (haha that was a joke - I have no free time!).. I am going to MAKE TIME for stretching this week. My body has been feeling so tense this week and knotted up from working out that I really need to!

Cheers to another GREAT week!!!

                                                      The Nectar Collective

Friday, September 13, 2013

Five On Fry-Day

Yes it's Friday(!!) and I am also FRY-ing in this heat!! I live in one of the most amazing climates in the world though so I won't complain anymore!! :-) Speaking of amazing things... today on this Five On Friday Link Up post I am going to share five of my favorite things! Kind of like Oprah but most likely purchased at Target :) Oh and speaking of Oprah has anyone seen the Butler? I heard it was great! I want to see it soon. Maybe this weekend?? What are your thoughts on the movie?? Should I see that or The Family?

1-The first up is my Ninja MEGA Kitchen System. This is a blender / food processer / dough mixer. I use it for everything! I use it to make smoothies most often. It only takes about 10 seconds or less to blend down the ice or frozen fruit in them. Plus if I add kale or another leafy vegetable it always grinds it up into pieces that I hardly know are there. I usually use the small to-go cups to make my individual sized smoothies. Plus those come with a travel lid.  I also make salad dressings in the individual cups like the recipe I posted about here: Honey Vinegar Dressing.  Using the 8 cup smaller attachment I have blended cookie dough. I have even put whole almonds in there and made my own almond flour to bread fish! Usually if I am cooking something I try to incorporate the Ninja some how into the process. Its so easy and flexible. Oh and its also easy to clean which is a must for me! And yes I got it at Target :)

2- These two books are ones I read a few years ago but have completely opened my eyes to the difference between men and women. Its not one of those cheesy how to get along with men/women books. It takes a completely different angle that I have never heard before. It rocked my world seriously you guys. Especially if you are raising children I think these books are a MUST READ to tap into your child full potential as a male or female! The one about the ladies is called "Captivativating" and the guys one is called "Wild At Heart. But whether you are a male or female I think you should read them both. I learned a lot from each one of these! Go out and get yourself some weekend reads! And of course they sell them at ;)

3- Cocoroons. If you don't know what these are then you need to go out and try some! They are basically coconut cookies that are "Paleo" friendly. I personally like the homemade version myself but you can get store bought at Whole Foods or online (sadly not found at Target). I just googled a recipe and made my own and OMG they are life changing :) You can either make them "raw" or pop them in the oven for a few minutes. Both are delicious and you can very easily eat the whole batch in one sitting. "Cocoroons". Google it! :) Maybe I will come up with my own variation very soon and post that recipe!

4- I have been using this new shampoo & conditioner that I absolutely love! I have really thick course hair and it is always poofy unless I straighten it. When I use this shampoo it becomes straight and shiny in no time at all! My straightening time is cut in half and looks great when I am done! Oh and its very cheap at Target!

Suave Professionals Moroccan Infusion Shine Shampoo

Suave Professionals Keratin Infusion Color Care Conditioner

5- Last but not least I love love love the Trader Joes gluten free brownie mix! It is so easy to throw together  quickly and taste amazing! It is a great dessert to bring to friends to show them how easy it is to live the gluten free lifestyle. Best part is that they are also dairy free and soy free! That is so hard to find :) I usually add in some Enjoy Life Chocolate Chips (which are also dairy free) to make it completely decadent! This treat is easy, quick, cheap, convenient, ohh so tasty and doesn't make me sick like other gluten, dairy filled desserts would! JACKPOT!

Are you going to the movies this weekend? What will you be seeing? What are some of your favorite things???


Thursday, September 12, 2013

Unexpected (but very welcome) Guests

Happy Friday ya'll!

...Oh wait its only Thursday.. That short week last week is all sorts of messing me up! Ok then Happy Thursday! 2 more days until another hot weekend here in SoCal. The past few days we cooled down a bit here which has been heaven sent. I am more ready for Fall than ever. I went to a friends house at the beach on Tuesday night and was able to wear my UGGS and a sweatshirt!!!! It was glorious I tell you! And the little taste of cool weather only made me want it more.

View from my dinner at my friends on Tuesday :)

So something in the blog world happened to me yesterday. Something I was so not prepared for. The oh so famous blogger Skinny Meg mentioned one of my posts "Lunch Break Workout" in her weekly workout posts!!! You guys I was shocked. I was minding my own business just doing my usual morning blog reading loop. And BAM there was MY picture on her page! I was confused for a second because hello that must not be right. I am new to blogging and was so not prepared for the traffic that would bring. Don't get me wrong I was jumping for joy all day! But at the same time it was like OMG I am so not ready for this moment (in a good way)! Like when you move into a new house and haven't gotten to unpack quite yet and ALL of your new neighbors stop by. You weren't expecting guests or else you would have thrown some pictures up on the wall or something! That's how I felt. Since starting the blog I have wanted to make sure that everything on here I was proud of (well except for that awful picture of Zoodles haha!). I didn't want to just post something to fill space. Which is why I haven't quite gotten to write my "About Me" page or spruce up some other things I'd like done. I want this blog to be genuinely ME and no one else. That being said I hope that anyone who stopped by my page was not wondering where the rest of my site was. If you came back today don't fret! It will be up very soon!!! Don't leave me! :) If you want to check the Skinny Meg blog post I am referring to please go check it out here "Workout Wednesday". You should really read her page daily if you don't already. Mama Laughlin and Skinny Meg were some of the first blogs I was reading regularly and they never fail to inspire and entertain!!

In other news I had a great run last night. It was the first time in a while that I have felt loose, not sluggish and not achy the whole time I run. My workouts go back and forth between weight training with heavy weights and running with body weight exercises. So I will go about 2 months doing heavy weights with short cardio warmups (10-20 minutes light jogging) and then for the next 2 months I do a lot of running and body weight training. So right now I am in my running / body weight training phase. More specifically I do one week of only running where the mileage is key. The more the better. Then the next week I will run about 2 miles then do a 30 minute circuit workout (usually at the beach or a local park to keep the scenery nice). I go back and forth between those two each week.

So this week is the mileage week. Ever since my last round of weight training my legs have felt so heavy and well... heavy. That's the best way to describe it. Its like I was lugging around two bricks with me. I'm not sure if the weight training had tightened me up or what but last night was the first night they felt almost back to normal. I know I need to be better at stretching during all phases of my workouts. Maybe that would help the transition from one phase to the next be a little less painful? Does this happen to any of you??

Are you one of the people that are visiting from skinny Megs post? Leave me a comment! I would love to hear from you!

Until Next Time,

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Yay we survived Monday! I don't know about you but it was a rough one over here! I am still powering through my very busy week. Juggling and balancing. Squeezing in workouts and quiet time. And yes I may or may not have fallen asleep at church last night because I was so exhausted... Don't judge!

On Sunday I completed the 9/11 Heroes 5k (3.1 miles). It was hot outside but I powered through and managed to get a best time there! This is my 4th time running this course and the PR was only by 10 seconds but considering the heat I was very proud of myself! Before you start thinking I'm some running star let me set you straight.. I AM NOT... (yet)! Running is a serious struggle for me. I spent my whole life watching my Dad run marathons thinking to myself "WHY!?!?". "Why would anyone do that to themselves". "It must be so boring! And painful!". But one day I got the idea in my head that I was going to get out there and try it. And slowly but surely I built up to running 3 miles at a time.

The pride I felt from those runs was bursting over at times. When I would finish with a best time (AKA veryyyyy slow but not as slow as the day before), and my face would be all red and my brain was about to burst out of my head I would be so thrilled! It is the strangest phenomenon but it is all about pushing yourself farther than you thought you would go. People say that it gets easier the more you do it.. Well maybe it has gotten "easier" since I started running a year and a half ago, but it is no where near "easy" for me yet. I still get out there and get the mileage in. It never fails that during the first mile I think to myself  "I am never going to finish today.. my body just isn't made for this".. And as I push on through that and get to the other side of one mile I am usually more in my zone and ready to go! I have done a few local 5ks and hope to soon complete my first 10k (YIKES!). I am thinking maybe on Thanksgiving morning when it is nice and cool I can do a turkey trot 10k? I will keep you posted on which I decide to do though!

Ok on to my recipe which isn't really a recipe!  I have been seeing "zoodles" all over the internet recently and I just HAD to try them. Zoodles are zucchini noodles. I don't normally like zucchini so I really wasn't sure of how this would go.You have to use some sort of tool to create noodle strips out of the zucchini (PS you can use other veggies too like squash!). I took the recommendation from The Paleo Parents and bought this Vegetable Spiralizer to use. Yes I bought a tool I have never even heard of to make a meal I had never even tried from a vegetable that I don't even like. :)  I have heard you can also go the cheaper route and by this julienne peeler. Once you figure out how to use the spiralizer it is super easy! Just cut the ends off of your zucchini, peel the skin off, and run them through the machine to get your noodles.

This is the part that is a recipe but isn't really. It is just so easy i don't think I can justify calling it a "real" recipe. I just went with the most basic way to cook these that I could come up with and I plan on coming up with new "real" recipes once I spend a little more time with these zoodles!

After making my zoodles I squeezed them with a paper towel to get out any extra moisture. Then I heated up a skillet, tossed in some onion, extra virgin olive oil & garlic and tossed the zoodles in that for a few minutes. I sprinkled with salt and pepper and THAT IS IT! It really took only about 5 minutes to saute. I didn't want them too mushy so I pulled them off the heat once they had softened a little but you can cook them to your liking! I was really impressed with myself on how awesome these guys came out! They even were good the next day for left overs. SCORE! :)

I almost wasn't going to post this photo because the quality is so awful but I wanted to show you how noodle-like they really are. You can go onto pinterest and find some prettier pictures I am sure.. And I promise to work on my photo skills!

I hope you try this recipe and love it like I do! Next time I plan to pour marinara sauce over them to have a full on spaghetti like Paleo moment! Oooooh or adding bacon! I.can.not.wait! 

Have you tried zoodles before? Do you have any awesome variations to this? Do you struggle with running like I do?? Tips?? :) 


Monday, September 9, 2013

Back On Track

Its Monday again!! I'm happy to report that I am back to my Weekly Wishes post! I missed last week because I was enjoying my long weekend way too much to sit down at a computer. But alas... I have returned to my normally scheduled programming :) I had a very full busy weekend and I will talk more about that tomorrow... Today is all about my Weekly Wishes though!

This week is all about balance for me. I have a ton going on right now and very little time to do it. It always seems that everything happens at once right? I can't complain though because they are all awesome things! For example it is Sunday night right now and I am writing this post from here:

This is the very warm SoCal beach at night. I am seriously the luckiest person to have access to this every day. I still can't get over it! 

Ok anyways back to business. This week there is a lot going on and keeping my sanity is a must. Planning is the KEY to making all of it happen without becoming too overwhelmed. I plan to:

1- Schedule my workouts so that I know I have time for them. My health is a priority for me right now so I can't let busyness get in the way of that! Get it in where it fits in! This week is all about the body weight training and logging in some miles running. Im praying it COOLS OFF here this week. I am a grumpy runner in the heat. But a very happy one when it cools down :) 

I always have to remember this one!

2- Reading the bible and alone time with God is a must for me every week. Without it I feel off track, lost, anxious and a whole host of other things. So when my life gets busy I HAVE to make time for this or everything else goes out the window! 

3- I've been experimenting with new recipes each week and I want to keep that going this week! I tried a great dish tonight that I can't wait to share with you this week! I love adding new healthy foods in to my meal rotation. It keeps it fun and I don't get bored with anything! 

4- I really want to spend this week being "present" with people. I am seeing a lot of friends this week and I want to make sure that they have my full attention while I'm with each of them. It's so easy to get caught up in your thoughts or agendas or thinking about the next "to-do" item on your list. But quality time with people is what we are going to remember in the long run. How we were there to support them and love them. How they made time for us and the great conversations we had. So this week I'm going to try to put aside the rush and the worry about getting to bed on time and just enjoy people! I think I really have room to grow in this area. 

How do you keep from getting overwhelmed? Do you have any new fun recipes to share!? 


The Nectar Collective
3. THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE OF ALL! You MUST visit the person’s blog who linked up directly before you and leave them a motivating comment. This is such an important part of this linkup! We are each here to encourage each other and build a community of determined women and friends. :) Link up your posts below and spread some encouragement to other participant

Friday, September 6, 2013

Five On Friday

I am so excited its Friday!! Mostly because, well its FRIDAY! But also because its my favorite blogging day of the week! I love doing the Five On Friday link up with Darci at the Good Life Blog! It makes me feel so blessed talking about the happy things around me!

1- Fall is right around the corner!! Can you even believe that? It has been in the high 90's every day here and I cannot wait for some fall breezes to blow on in here! Plus I am starting to see all sorts of fall inspiration outfits popping up on pinterest right now! Must. Go. Shopping! (Take a look at my recent pins to the right and then go follow me!!).

2- I have been loving this new salad dressing recipe I made this week!! Its basically rice vinegar (1/4 cup), honey (2 tablespoons), Dijon mustard (1.5 teaspoons), walnut oil (3/4 cup) and salt (1/4 teaspoon) and black pepper (to taste) blended together well. It turns my salad frown upside down! I honestly have never been so excited to eat a salad in my life! I double the batch so I can use it all week long. Try it!

3- Short work week! Yes I am still enjoying the after effects of the long holiday weekend. This week has flown by and I still maintain my belief that every weekend should be a 3 day weekend! 

4- I am running a small local 5k this weekend that I do every year. It is the 9/11 Heroes Run. Its mission is to unite communities internationally with the goal to never forget the sacrifices of the heroes of September 11th and in the wars since: Veteran, First Responders, Civilians, and Military. They also try to raise awareness and honor the Fallen. I love being a part of such a great cause and getting my workout in at the same time. Heres to hopin' its not 100 degrees while I run!!

5- Audible.Com This app allows you to listen to books on tape. You pay a monthly fee (less than the price of one book) and with that fee you get credit for one free book a month. So basically as long as you are listening to one book a month it pays for itself! I have been getting more than my one book a month because I can listen during the days as I work. It is a great trick for multitasking and getting in the books you want to "read" and just don't have time to get to!

Do you have any apps that you love? How do you get thru hot workouts? Id love to know!!


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Peaches & Cream Paleo Smoothie

Happy Thursday!

I have to share this recipe I came up with recently. It has been so hot here the past month and sometimes a protein shake is all I can muster up the energy to make! And this one is easy and oohhhh soooo tasty! You can eat this for breakfast or dinner or dessert... or lunch.. or snack... or just because! It is THAT good! And the best part is that it is so simple!

-Frozen Peaches- about 8 peach slices (so about 1 cup??)
-Coconut Milk -1/2 can*
-Maple Syrup- About 1/2 tablespoon
- Vanilla Extract (1 teaspoon)
-Protein powder 1 scoop (optional) **
-Cinnamon to taste (I like a lot)

Then just blend and enjoy! Make sure you put them in the the blender in the same order I have listed above or the consistency won't be the same! I use one of the small cup attachments on my Ninja Kitchen Systems Blender and it works great!

*Coconut milk- Find a brand that does not have guar gum!! Trader Joes has a brand that I love for only .99 cents a can.

**Protein powder- I use this brand of pea protein. It has no wheat or soy or any other artificial junk in it. I got it at Whole Foods but I know you can buy online too if you don't live near a Whole Foods.

I hope you enjoy this summer treat!! How do you stay cool in the summer time? Do you have any secret shake recipes you want to share with me?!? :) 

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lunch break sweat & Work Out Wednesday {WOW} Linkup!

I am soooo thrilled to be a part of Skinny {Preg} Megs weekly workout link up! She is one of the first blogs I started reading regularly and I love her positive outlook and hilarious spin on things! 

Today I wanted to talk about fitting in quick workouts during your work day. I have some great tips and fast workouts that will get your heart rate going and the calories burning fast!

If you get a ten minute break each day this is a great time to get your body moving!
   -You can go for a quick walk outside and get some fresh air (BONUS: also great for your mind and can help you refocus when you get back to work!)
   -Stretching! This is a great idea especially if you are sitting at a desk all day! I love to stretch on my breaks at work because I am usually so tight from a workout the night before. It also saves me time from having to do it later.
   -Quick circuit workout. Everyday a few people from my work and I gather in an office and bust out some fast body weight exercises. Its quick, effective and you don't sweat much! I bring a 10 pound weight and keep it at my desk for optional extra resistance. This is just one of the workouts we do!

Sometimes I also do lunch break workouts which give me a little more time to complete a full workout. I usually start my workout by running a half mile to the parking structure near my work... well lets be honest I walk until I am sure that no one from my work can see me and then I run :)  I run to the top of the structure (BONUS STAIRS!) where there are no cars. 

I start by running 1 lap around the border of the entire parking structure which is about a quarter of a mile. Then I start my 3 rounds of body weight exercises and after each round I do another lap of the parking structure border. So I do a total of 4 laps around the structure which is a full mile by the time I am done. Then I run the half of a mile back to work and I am done! I always am changing up what I do for my exercises but this is one workout in my rotation. 

So in total I end up running 2 miles and getting in a killer 20 minute calorie burning workout! This is me doing a wall sit in my parking structure of choice :) 

The key to making this all happen is to be prepared!! Here are a few key things not to forget:
  1- Make sure you pack a quick lunch so that you have time after your workout to eat.
  2- Deodorant! This is a must if you sit with other people. Don't forget this!
  3 -Dry Shampoo. This is a life saver after I workout and need to look presentable. I love this brand Suave Dry Shampoo
  4- Pack your clothes the night before. This helps prevent early morning mental moments :)
  5  Be excited to fit in a great workout in less time!

What are some of your lunch break quick workout tips??

Be sure to check out the rest of the gang participating in the link up today! Work Out Wednesday {WOW}


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

3 Day Weekends

Hi! I hope you all had a great long weekend!

Don't you think all weekends should be 3 days long?? You need one day for errands, a second day for having fun and visiting people and a third day for relaxing! All 3 things are a must for me... and all 3 things were accomplished this weekend!

Saturday I got in my fun and visiting people day.I went on a 2 hour hike during the day and man it was hot. Later I met up with some friends for pool time and dinner. We had so much fun! And we may or may not have played Marco Polo... ;)

Sunday was my relaxing day. I enjoyed some gluten free pancakes (which never fail me), went to the sauna for a relaxing sweat, watched a movie from Red Box (Safe Haven - not my favorite), BBQ'd some steaks and played some briscola. Briscola is an Italian card game. Once you get the hang of it, it is hilarious because everyone has crazy hand signals with your partner. You have to try it!

Monday was my running errands day. Did some grocery shopping, tried out some new recipes (which I will share later in the week), cleaned a little, got in a quick run and went to church.

I didn't get to doing a Weekly Wishes post yesterday but I wanted to do a little recap of the goals I had set from the previous week.

1- Running 12 miles... ACCOMPLISHED!!! I actually ran a total of 13.63 miles this week! Which is awesome for me! This was how I did each day:

Monday - day off
Tuesday - 3.28 mile beach run with stairs
Wednesday - day off
Thursday - 4.59 mile run
Saturday - 5.76 mile hike / trail run

2- 4 Blog posts... YES! Done and done!

3- Finding people to inspire, encourage and uplift. I did a good job about being aware and available to people around me. I spent Friday night at a home group and prayed for people, saw people get healed and hopefully showed people a glimpse into the goodness of God! I will always keep you up to date on opportunities I get like this!

I am just getting back to business here this week but I hope you all have a super (short) weekend this week!!

What did you do on your 3 day weekend? How do you cope with working out in this heat? Did you have any inspiring moments this week?? Do tell!!!


The Nectar Collective