Monday, August 26, 2013

Weekly wishes & a secret about me.....

The Nectar Collective

Happy Monday!!

So here is a little secret about me... I love making lists! (not as juicy as you had hoped for is it??). So when I saw the Weekly Wishes Linkup with Melyssa I knew I had to be a part of it! I had such a great weekend with family and close friends so I am going to try my best to make it another awesome week!!

So here are some of my goals for the week:

           1- Get in at least 12 miles of running between today and Sunday. In theory that should be pretty easy this week as my schedule isn't as busy as it has been (YAYYYY). Things always seem to creep up and get in the way of workouts though so I have to make it a priority and just do it! I also plan on doing so body weight training mixed in there (hopefully at least 3 days of this??). I will do a post on some of my favorite body weight exercises soon too!
           2- I want to try and write at least 4 blog posts this week. I am still getting into the groove of writing daily and fitting it in my schedule. I love writing though and am trying to do a better job of doing things I love! I hope to also get some extra posts written for a lazy rainy day when I can't get a blog post written. I also want to work on filling in parts of my blog that I still haven't gotten to.... like the "about me" section... Because I know you all are dying to know more :)

           3- This is a big one for me... This week I really want to find some people to inspire, encourage and uplift! It is SUCH an amazing feeling when you can bless someone else. I am not sure how this will look exactly this week, but God always makes an opportunity for us to show up and share his love... so I will spend my week being in the moment, actively paying attention to those around me and asking the Holy Spirit how I can help! Oh and you better believe I will report back to you on my stories that come from this! Pressures on now! ;)

What are your goals for this week??? How often do you make times to do things you love??

Go visit Melyssa at The Nectar Collective for more weekly wishes!


  1. I had the exact same reaction when I saw Melyssa's link-up :) Welcome to the blogging world, and good luck with your goals! Especially the 3rd one, that's always a great goal to have :)

  2. Weekly Wishes is such a great way to jumpstart your week with good vibes, I'm glad you've joined the link up!! I think your goals are more than doable with a little dedication and time management! Good luck, and kick butt this week :)

  3. Great goals for this week! Good luck with all of them! And can't wait to see your About Me page when it's done. Let me know!!

    xxSusanne from The Musing Blonde

  4. 12 miles?! You go, girlfriend! I really need to get back into being my active-self more too! I miss it. I think that your last goal is amazing, by the way. Sometimes helping other people and bringing some joy into their life can help ourselves out too...more than we may even realize! Great goals and have a great week! x

  5. These are truly such great goals!!! I am not much of a runner (and probably never will be!), but woohoo for 12 miles!! I am sure you can do it!

    Blogging is such a great thing, but it does take time and sometimes it is hard to keep up with it, but just keep going!!! It definitely helps me to schedule a block of time to write several posts for the week and to visit other blogs :)

    Good for you for wanting to bless others! This is huge and wonderful. The simplest things can bring others so much joy. Good luck with all of these goals!!

    xoxo Jess
    Foreign Room

  6. Absolutely AWESOME goals and just keep moving forward one day at time because that is how you make something least for me. ;) I find that when I stop looking at the big picture and just focus on what's in front of me that I do my best. Also, have you heard about the blog every day in September challenge going on over at Story of my life? You can read about it here

    I know that doing a challenge with Jenni back in May helped me get my blogging groove down and inspired me. Maybe it'll do the same for you! :)
